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Marcus Corporations


On Thursday, June 5, 2014, I went with my Web Design teacher Mr. Sommer, and three other students to the IT Department of Marcus Hotels & Resorts. I learned quite a bit there, such as the different careers in Information Technology (hardware, web design, engineering, etc.), what it takes to build a website from scratch, and what took look forward to when I'm working there. Of course, I'm kidding about the last one (mostly), but Marcus Corporation's Hotels & Resorts Division does have a friendly, motivated, and most importantly, fun IT department. The following are some of the things I have experienced on my visit.


Project Management

Not surprisingly, managing a project is a difficult task. There is a lot that is required from everybody on the team, including staying on schedule. Marcus has a very useful system for keeping everybody on task, which I won't go in-depth about, since I am not sure how much of it they would want to be public.



I have taken many things apart before, including my laptop, a portable radio, and a yoyo. I guess the yoyo doesn't really count... Even so, I don't think hardware in the place for me. However, at Marcus, I enjoyed watching the presentation at the helpdesk area. The various random bits and pieces of computers and smartphones makes me feel at home! Still, I do not believe I would do it professionally.


Web Design/Maintenance

I never thought that it would take so much to build one website. As a person who spends their free time on Sublime Text (shoutout to Nick who uses the same program!), I know what a website consists of. Even though I have never done it myself, I always assumed that it did not take much more than one person to build any website, no matter how professional it looked. However, after my visit at Marcus, I realize that even if one person have all the knowledge necessary (HTML, CSS, JS, PS, ASP*, PHP,* ETC.) to design a website, it takes a team to develop and maintain it.



- Marcus Technologies Homepage

- Meet the Team


*I don't know much about these myself.

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